Sunday, May 6, 2012


Well it is the end of the semester.  I have written several essays and I have blogged.  I have used Smart thinking and have reviewed my peers' work.  But, the question is "have I learned anything?"

I was really hoping I would have learned how to write a thesis statement, but I still do not seem to have any idea how to.  I thought by the end I was getting it, but found out I still wasn't doing it.  I have a hard time organizing paragraphs still.  I am the type who likes to write what I feel in no particular order, I just let it flow, so organizing is extremely hard.

I did learn how to cite sources, and I think I know what I'm doing.  I learned how to research a topic and how to use databases for research.  I really liked that.  There is so much material to use.

Blogging.  I am not sure what I think about it.  I have to say that I do not like the idea that everyone can read my blogs.  I am not a good writer, even now, so I don't want to show my writing to anyone.  I will probably try to erase this page when I am done with class.  I do like to write about whatever comes to mind, but I do not like to organize it, so blogging isn't really for me.  I would much rather journal.  Which brings me to the double entry journal.  This was by far my most favorite assignment.  I will more than likely use this kind of journal in the future. 

Oh, I forgot to add that the best part of the semester, was the Glass Castle.  I loved the book, and I liked writing about it in so many different ways.

Lastly, I would like to say, "Thank you, Nikka".  I did enjoy the class, and I think that you are a good teacher.  When I needed help you would get back to me right away. 

Have a great summer!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why College?

Why does one go to college?  There are many answers to that question.  I decided to go back to school, because everyone I know is going back.  I was starting to feel like I was below them.  They are all making good money, and I have been stuck at the same job for almost 10 years, not really making much, but I love my job.

I originally thought that I could make more money if I went back to college, but after seeing that the average pay for my career is the same as what I am making now, I realized that probably won't happen.  But, with the experience I already have, plus a degree, I could end up doing well.  I don't like anticipation, so I try not to think about it.

The thought of being in college, graduating, interviews and a new job is very scary for me.  I am not one for change, and I am very timid around people; insecure.  So far things are going o.k., but I did take on too much, and had to withdraw from a class, which is exactly what I didn't want to happen.  But I learned, and hopefully I won't ever have to do that again.  But I am more scared than ever now, that I won't succeed.  I don't feel I am smart enough to actually get a degree.  I wish I could have more confidence, because if I ever want to get a new job, I am going to have to show them that I am confident and I will be able to do the job.

All in all, I really am glad that I am in college.  When it is all over, even if I don't get the job I want, I will actually be able to say that I made a goal and I reached it.  It will be a major accomplishment for me.  I also know that my kids will be proud of me.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Research papers are so different now.  I did a lot of research papers in high school many years ago, and the only source I used, was the books in the library.  Since high school, I have only written a few, but it seems to be much easier, because there are so many resources on the web.  I don't have to go anywhere.  Sometimes, though, I get stuck, because there is almost too many resources.  I need to learn how to filter out the good, helpful sources from the useless sources.

I do love to research topics.  I do it all the time, but not usually for writing purposes. For instance, my daughter has PKD and when I found out, I had to learn as much as I could about it.  I don't know where I would be if I didn't know anything about it.  The only bad thing for me when I research a topic is that it takes me hours and hours, because I don't know how to filter out the useless information.  My goal is going to be learning a more efficient way to research on the web.

My topic for my research paper is why gay Pastors shouldn't be allowed.  I feel very strongly about this and not only am I doing this for an assignment, but I am learning a lot about the subject.  I know it is a very controversial subject, but I believe it to be wrong and I am going to voice why I feel that way.  

I am a Christian, and therefore I believe in the Bible.  I believe that anyone who wants to go to church should go.  But, I do not like when a Christian pastor teaches the Bible, but has no regard for his actions.  What is the purpose of teaching something if you go against what it says.  It would be like a judge sentencing you for drunk driving, but then getting caught doing it himself.  Why have laws, if the person or person's making them won't even follow them.  Many say Christians are hypocrites.  Pastors who teach the Bible and deliberately defy it, are hypocrites.  Everyone makes mistakes and even Pastors aren't perfect, but that doesn't mean they are hypocrites.  As long as they are doing everything to change what they have done.  Repenting (turning away from sin), and forgiveness will get them back on the right track.  If a Pastor is gay, he has no right teaching the Bible, because it is a sin to be a homosexual, unless he is trying to turn away from it.  I could go on and on, but I will save that for my research paper.



In advertising we hear a lot of fallacies.  They are good at catching your attention and reeling you in.  It's funny how we can get caught in the trap even though we know that what they are saying isn't quite the truth.  The ones I fall for are the weight loss ones.  I know what they advertise will happen, won't happen, but I still try the product. 

I have to say that I have had to use fallacies.  When you work in sales, you will most likely have to tell these half truths.  I am not sure how other people feel about using fallacies, but I feel guilty.  If I can get away with not using them, I feel much better.  I like to be able to offer all possibilities, regardless of whether or not I am suppose to.  When you only offer the most expensive product, but advertise a less expensive product, you are cheating the customer.  I feel I should offer the advertised price, and then add from there.  If the customer wants it, they'll get it.

I don't think lying about something for your gain is right.  Politicians are very good at this.   Politicians tell you anything you want to hear if they know you may follow them. They promise so much, but never deliver.  It is hard to say if they really believe they could do what they promised, or if it was just a little white lie to get what they want.

There are so many different forms of fallacies, and if you stop to think about conversation, advertisements, or other sources of communication, you will notice them.  There probably isn't a single soul that hasn't used one.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


What do you think the consequence for bullying should be? Should we slap someone on the wrist and say "it's okay, just don't do it again"?  Or should we expel them from school for a few days?  There are several different ways we could handle it, but I just want to say that, if something isn't done and if we don't acknowledge it, things will never change.  There has been a multitude of issues stemming from bullying.  Columbine High will always be a reminder of school violence.  Innocent lives were taken and the guilty ones took their own.  How many school shootings have there been since?  What about suicides?  What causes these?  I believe bullying does.  I think that kids who are getting teased or getting beat up are very vulnerable to a multitude of emotions.  They may be scared, sad or depressed, angry or resentful.  This can lead to a couple of different things.

Suicide is very common among bullied kids.  They may not have the ability to cope with it and may get so withdrawn and depressed, that they may feel there is no other way to escape from it.  For instance, if someone is getting teased or bullied online it usually involves several people.  Then, the child goes to school and gets it there too.  Some get nasty text messages.  So the child literally can't escape it.  How much can a child take before they get to the point of feeling there is not way out but suicide?  It's easy for someone who is emotionally strong to say that these kids are just feeling sorry for themselves, and that there are just taking the easy way out.  I know from experience that very empty feeling is the worst feeling.

School shootings seem to continue happening.  I used to think that bullying or teasing could possibly be the cause of these.  It can go both ways.  Maybe the shooter is a bully themselves and wants to take it further and end someones life.  Or, perhaps the shooter is the one being bullied.  I am here to talk about the one that is being bullied.  Some will argue that being bullied is no excuse for shooting someone.  I agree, but I would like to look into why they might have done it.  When someone is being bullied or teased by a certain group of people it can really mess them up.  Getting angry and resentful toward the offender is a normal response, but some don't know how to handle it, and they may end up becoming so angry that they just want the bullying to stop, and if it doesn't they may feel the only way to get rid of it is to get rid of the bully.  The victim in this situation is both the bully and the one being bullied. But again, no one has the right to take another person's life, no matter what the reason may be..  But you need to ask yourself, "would it have happened if that person wasn't being mistreated?".  This is an argument that really has no winner.

No one should EVER have to feel like they need to kill themselves or others to escape being bullied.  There needs to be something done.  A lot of schools are doing searches for weapons, but not many have a strict policy about bullying.  My daughter was just in a position where she got into a little trouble at school and the Asst. principle told her straight out that some people are going to be asking questions and that she may get a little grief for what she did, but he told her if anyone starts teasing her and getting in her face about it she needs to tell him right away.  He said they have a zero tolerance for bullying.  Unfortunately most kids don't want to say anything, and if they do, some teachers, and sometimes even parents, don't want to address the situation.

I think that if the schools could get some strict policies in place and have experienced counselors on site, it would help a lot.  A lot of these children need to have someone to talk to.  If they are feeling depressed, make sure they have someone to talk to.  Get them as much support as you can.  If they are feeling angry and resentful, again make sure they are talking to someone.  They need to have a way to divert their anger.  Maybe they should be monitored, so than they don't do anything stupid.  But jumping the gun and treating them like criminals before the criminal act has even taken place isn't right either.  They need help, so make sure they get it.

I am not blaming schools, students, or parents for any of this.  I just really believe with all my heart that something needs to be done about bullying.  Bullies really need to be punished.  Make schools safe, from not only physical violence, but emotional too.  It takes a group effort.  Parents if you ask your child everyday they come home from school if they bullied anyone, or if anyone bullied them.  If the answer is yes to one or both, talk to child.  If teachers, or other students for that matter, see something happening, do something about it.  Don't just ignore it.  It isn't going to go away.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


"The Glass Castle", is a very inspirational memoir written by Jeannette Walls.  It is about a girl who lived in poverty with an alcoholic father, mentally ill mother, and three siblings, whom she loves dearly.   She does a fabulous job describing the places she has lived in, and the events that took place in her childhood.  She does a fantastic job reaching out to her readers emotionally.  I went through several different emotions throughout the book.  I could feel what she was feeling.  So not only did I love the book, but I loved how she captured me; hook, line, and sinker.

This book has something for almost everyone.  A lot of people know someone or have physically been through some of the instances in the book  It touches on poverty, sexual abuse, bullying, alcoholism, infidelity, and mental illness.  It may even start a debate, because everyone is going to have their own opinion about what is going through the minds of Rose Mary and Rex and the children.  Just remember everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You need to have a somewhat open mind when reading it

Most of all, I think this book is inspirational because it shows the close bond of family and what unconditional love is.  Rose Mary and her siblings turn out to be wonderful, responsible adults who do what they can to still help out their parents, even after all they had put them through.  They don't seem to hold any resentment.  That is amazing!  So I give it a thumbs up

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Tattoos-I am going to start off by saying that the body art I am referring to is-tattoos and piercings.  When I was a teenager I was very into heavy metal music, black everything.  I wanted a tattoo so bad, but I was too scared to get one.  I am so thankful that I didn't get one, because I probably would have gotten a skull and crossbones tattoo.  I would be very embarrassed to have something like that now.  I am very different than what I was then. 

If you are looking to get a tattoo, ask yourself if it is something that you will like forever.  What is the tattoo going to look like when you get old, and what will it look like if you gain or lose a lot of weight?  I know many people that regret what they have tattooed on their bodies.  It is usually permanent so make sure you really think about it before you do it.  Removing later on may not be that easy.

I am by no means knocking anyone for getting a tattoo.  I don't mind some of them.  But in my personal opinion, I don't like sleeve tattoos, or any tattoos that cover a good portion of the body.  It is ok to express your individuality, and it doesn't matter if someone likes it or not.  If you like it that is all that matters.  Tattoos these days are more a fad than they ever used to be.  All sorts of people are getting them, so there isn't much of a stigma anymore.

Body Piercings-I don't mind body piercings, but some go a little to far.  I think that some are just down right nasty, but that is my opinion.   Piercings, unlike tattoos, are more easily removed.  You can also cover them up well.  All you need to do is take them out.  Some leave huge holes in your ears though, so you may want to think about that before you try gauging.  I have a tiny little scar in my eyebrow from an eyebrow piercing, but no one would ever guess that I had it because you can't see the scar unless you are 10 inches from my face.

I think piercings are becoming more popular, but there are still a lot of people that don't like them.  People who have them get stared at a lot.  People would stare at me and I would wonder why, but then I would remember I had my eyebrow pierced.  I honestly loved my eyebrow ring.  I would probably still have it if I didn't have to take it out for my job.  I got it to express my individuality. 

I am ok with tattoos and body piercings, but I don't like the extremes.  Nobody has to agree with me either way, because I have my own opinion.  If you like a lot of tattoos and piercings, then go ahead and get them.  If you don't want any, then  don't get them.  As long as you like who you are, body art or no body art.